Welcome to the Reproductive Surgery SIG!
The practice of reproductive surgery is evolving in the era of ART but it remains an important aspect of reproductive medicine. Today’s reproductive specialist is challenged to discern the appropriate and effective utilization of reproductive surgery in the management of clinical reproductive conditions and as adjunct to ART. This SIG aims to deepen the members’ knowledge and widen their experience in Reproductive Surgery, with the ultimate goal of helping them reach their potential as professionals able to offer the best possible care for their patients.
Reproductive surgery is surgery that gives rather than takes away. It restores the normal female anatomy. Unlike IVF, it reinstates the natural reproductive potential of the subfertile couple leading to several conceptions after one successful intervention. This SIG hopes to offer up-to-date evidence-based information through seminars, pocket meetings and research, and provide a platform for exchange of ideas among practitioners from various ASPIRE member countries.
Knowledge knows no boundaries. Whether a member practices in a low-resource setting or utilizes cutting-edge technology, I believe we can learn from one another in terms of advancements, innovation, as well as, improvisation in Reproductive Surgery. Let us transcend barriers and broaden our perspectives as we interact with one another.
United by a common interest, we work towards a common goal: to promote the safe and efficacious practice of Reproductive Surgery. We hope that you will join Dr Regina Tan, Prof TC Li and I in this endeavor.