Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Reproductive Endocrinology and PCOS of the Asia Pacific Initiative in Reproduction (ASPIRE). It is our vision that this SIG, crossing many countries and ethnicities, will contribute to education, knowledge and collaborative research in the area of reproductive endocrinology and PCOS. It is planned that there will be a meeting at the annual conference of ASPIRE where we will discuss our and your ideas on potential strategy. In addition the SIG will propose international speakers for sessions at the many ASPIRE events – the annual conference, regional meetings, masterclasses and webinars. Providing a platform for networking and collaborative research will be another role for the SIG. We are excited to hear your suggestions for the future of Reproductive Endocrinology and PCOS in the Asia Pacific!!
Please feel free to use this forum thread to share any ideas you have for this SIG group. Together with Dr Boothroyd, we hope to actively stay in touch with you and to make a difference in the area of reproductive endocrinology and PCOS today!
Looking forward to hearing from you!